FAQs from Patients: Self Care After a Breast Augmentation

Model in White Bikini

For all the energy our Scottsdale breast augmentation patients devote to preparing for surgery — researching and finding the right surgeon, choosing implants, and deciding what they really want — we find that they often don’t have as clear an idea of what happens after the procedure.

When you head home after a breast augmentation (or any procedure), the last thing we want you to feel is uncertainty. If you’re thinking about your surgery and your recovery period, here are a few things our patients often ask.

How soon can I take a shower? What about a bath?

A shower is absolutely fine after the first 48 hours or so. Keep an eye on the water temperature, though. If you’re normally a hot shower person, you may want to cool it down because your body will still be sensitive.

As for taking a bath, avoid submerging your body altogether for a minimum of 2 weeks after the procedure. (That includes swimming or any other underwater activities, as well.)

How long do I leave the bandages on?

As you might expect, there will be more than one layer of bandages covering your breasts after surgery. We encourage you to change your surgical dressings as soon as 24 hours after surgery (and every time you shower).

We will want you to leave the steri-strips on, however, because those cover the incisions themselves. We will address those during your follow-up appointment, as close to 7 days after your procedure as possible.

Can I wear a normal bra after breast augmentation?

After the procedure, we do provide you with a special post-surgical bra when you leave our office. You’ll need to wear it as your recovery period begins.

We are always happy to advise patients on whether any bras they are considering would be good choices during their recovery period — but as a rule, we recommend that you not wear a bra with an underwire for at least 8 weeks. This is because the underwire can affect the position of the implants.

How should I adjust my diet?

The same rules apply here as after any surgery. In the first few days, you’ll want to stick with fluids, broths, and gelatin. From there, you may gradually add solid foods as you feel you’re up to it. Eat small portions often rather than only bigger meals.

As for food choices, you’ll want to stay away from anything fried or high in fat, or anything that could cause indigestion. Go easy on high-fiber foods, too (e.g., whole grain bread, nuts, broccoli, cauliflower), because they can make you feel bloated.

Remember: Everyone is a little different.

Ultimately, we can’t predict exactly how your recovery period will go because every patient is unique. The best advice we can give? Listen to your body, go slowly, and be kind to yourself.

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