Facelift & Neck Lift

The signs of aging begin to affect us all at different times, but modern cosmetic medicine can allow us to stave off the emergence of droopy skin, sagging jowls, and deep lines and wrinkles. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Josh Olson and board-eligible plastic surgeon Dr. Jacob Marks perform facelift and neck lift surgery in Gilbert, Arizona, for women and men from in and around Chandler, Scottsdale, Phoenix, and Mesa, Arizona, who are interested in holding the signs of age at bay.

To find out how facial plastic surgery can enhance your appearance, request a consultation online with Dr. Olson or Dr. Marks. You can also call our office at (480) 466-7355 to schedule an appointment.

 Before & After Photos

Case: 1 of 9
Case: 1 of 9
Before & After Facelift Case 299 Right Side View in Gilbert, AZ
Before & After
Case: 1 of 8

This patient came into our office for a consultation regarding facial rejuvenation surgery. After listening to her concerns, Dr. Olson recommended a lower facelift with fat injections, and laser skin resurfacing. Dr. Olson performed liposuction to patient's lower abdomen. He then injected 5cc of fat to each cheek, 1cc of fat to each upper eye... Read More
Before & After Facelift Case 96 View #1 View in Gilbert, AZ
Before & After
Case: 2 of 8

This 54 year-old woman presented to our office for consultation regarding facial rejuvenation surgery. Dr. Olson met with her in our Gilbert office near Scottsdale, AZ to discuss her surgical options. Dr. Olson recommended a lower facelift and upper eyelid surgery.Dr. Olson performed a facelift (rhytidectomy) under general anesthesia.... Read More
Before & After Facelift Case 217 View #1 View in Gilbert, AZ
Before & After
Case: 4 of 8

This patient is 8 months post upper blepharoplasty, face lift with fat transfer to mid face. 
Before & After Facelift Case 152 View #1 View in Gilbert, AZ
Before & After
Case: 5 of 8

This 57 year-old woman from Paradise Valley visited Dr. Olson in his Scottsdale, AZ office for consultation regarding facial rejuvenation surgery. After discussing her concerns and examining her Dr. Olson recommended a rhytidectomy or lower facelift in addition to fat grafting. He also recommended a small chin implant to improve her jawline a... Read More
Before & After Facelift Case 303 Front View in Gilbert, AZ
Before & After
Case: 6 of 8

This patient had a Facelift as well as a brow lift & fat injections.
Before & After Facelift Case 111 View #1 View in Gilbert, AZ
Before & After
Case: 8 of 8

 This 76 year-old woman from Gold Canyon, AZ presented to our office for consultation regarding facial rejuvenation surgery. Dr. Olson met with her in our Gilbert office near Scottsdale, AZ to discuss her surgical options. Dr. Olson recommended a facelift and upper eyelid surgery and fat grafting to her cheeks to restore full... Read More

Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.

Reasons for Facelift and Neck Lift

Throughout our lives, gravity and the sun take a constant toll on the skin, which loses its resiliency over time. This can lead to saggy skin and premature aging. Patients from their late 30s to their 80s often choose facial cosmetic surgery to:

  • Remove excess skin
  • Tighten skin and facial support to a more youthful position
  • Restore definition in the neck and jaw
  • Reduce lines and wrinkles
  • Enhance confidence

Facelift and neck lift surgeries counteract the visible effects of aging, helping you restore a more youthful appearance and renewed confidence. By addressing excess skin, sagging, and wrinkles, these procedures offer long-lasting improvements that enhance your facial contours and overall self-esteem.

Can You Combine Facelift Surgery With Other Procedures?

A rhytidectomy, or facelift, addresses the lower half of the face and the neck. If you are concerned with a wrinkled forehead or eyelids, a brow lift or eyelid surgery may better suit you. Renuvion® skin tightening may be used as a nonsurgical alternative to these procedures or to complement surgical results by tightening the skin and smoothing away lines and wrinkles.

What Is a Liquid Facelift & Is It a Viable Surgical Alternative?

Patients who want to rejuvenate their appearance without surgery may also be interested in a liquid facelift, which pairs BOTOX® Cosmetic and dermal fillers for comprehensive results.

A liquid facelift is ideal for those with early signs of aging, such as fine lines, mild wrinkles, and subtle volume loss, as it can smooth lines, enhance facial contours, and restore youthful fullness. While it provides noticeable results, a liquid facelift does not address significant skin laxity or sagging.

Best suited for patients in their 30s to 50s who have good skin elasticity and want a nonsurgical option, the results of a liquid facelift are temporary, typically lasting 6 to 12 months. For those with more advanced aging concerns, a surgical facelift may be a more effective and long-lasting solution. During your consultation, your surgeon can determine whether a liquid facelift or surgery is the best approach for your aesthetic goals.

Dr. Olson and Dr. Marks

Meet Your Aesthetic Experts

Our accomplished plastic surgeons, Dr. Josh Olson and Dr. Jacob M. Marks, strive to provide a seamless patient experience that exceeds all expectations. Both surgeons have trained under leading experts and bring warmth, compassion, and finely honed skills to their work. Learn more about what sets Advanced Plastic Surgery Institute apart.

Meet Dr. Olson Meet Dr. Marks

What Are the Different Types of Facelifts?

Dr. Olson and Dr. Marks will determine your facelift technique depending on the degree and type of correction needed. They will use their expertise to assess your facial structure and the quality of your facial tissues and then recommend the right approach for your needs and goals. Here are some of the available surgery options:

SMAS Facelift

The SMAS (Superficial Musculoaponeurotic System) facelift is a popular technique that lifts and tightens the muscle and connective tissues beneath the skin, offering a natural, refreshed look. It’s ideal for patients with moderate aging signs looking for significant improvements.


  • Most patients return to daily activities in 1-2 weeks.
  • Swelling and bruising diminish within 10-14 days.
  • Full recovery typically takes 4-6 weeks.

Scars and Incision Placement:

  • Incisions are placed around the ears and into the hairline.
  • Scars are well-concealed in natural folds and become less visible over time.

How Long Results Last:

  • Results typically last 8-10 years, offering long-term rejuvenation.

Areas Treated:

  • The SMAS facelift addresses sagging in the cheeks, jawline, and jowls.
  • It can also provide mild improvement to the neck area.

Deep Plane Facelift

The deep plane facelift goes beyond the superficial layers, lifting and repositioning the deeper facial structures for a more dramatic and long-lasting result. It’s an excellent option for patients with more advanced signs of aging.


  • Recovery may take longer than the SMAS facelift, with swelling and bruising lasting 2-3 weeks.
  • Full recovery typically takes 2-3 months, and final results become visible after that time.

Scars and Incision Placement:

  • Incisions are placed similarly to those for an SMAS facelift, around the ears and along the hairline.
  • Though slightly longer, the scars heal well and are easily concealed.

How Long Results Last:

  • Results typically last 10-15 years or more, providing one of the longest-lasting facelift outcomes.

Areas Treated:

  • The deep plane facelift focuses on the mid-face, cheeks, nasolabial folds, and jowls.
  • It also subtly improves the neck and jawline for a more balanced, youthful appearance.

Mini Facelift

Also referred to as a “short-scar facelift” or “S-lift,” this technique relies on smaller incisions and can be an excellent option for patients who don’t have significant skin laxity in the neck.


  • Recovery time is shorter than that of a full facelift.
  • Most patients return to normal activities within 5-7 days.
  • Swelling and bruising are milder, and the healing process is quicker.
  • Full recovery and final results are usually visible within a few weeks, compared to several months for a full facelift.

Scars and Incision Placement:

  • Incisions are smaller and placed around the ears, sometimes extending into the hairline.
  • These shorter incisions result in minimal scarring, which is concealed in natural skin folds.
  • Over time, scars fade and become nearly invisible.

How Long Results Last:

  • Results typically last 5-7 years, making it ideal for moderate improvement without committing to a full facelift.

Areas Treated:

  • The mini facelift targets the lower face, focusing on the jawline, jowls, and lower cheeks.
  • It does not typically address concerns in the mid-face or neck.
  • The procedure offers a subtle lift and improved definition to the lower portion of the face.

Fat Grafting

This approach uses tissue from your own body and is a fantastic alternative or complement to other treatments. It is best suited for restoring fullness that is lost with age in the mid-face region, including the cheeks and wrinkles between the nose and mouth.

With a variety of facelift techniques available, Dr. Olson and Dr. Marks can customize your treatment to meet your needs and goals. Whether you’re looking for subtle improvements or a more comprehensive rejuvenation, their expertise ensures that you’ll receive the most appropriate approach for lasting, natural-looking results.

How Much Does a Facelift Cost in Scottsdale and Phoenix, Arizona?

With many facelift techniques at their disposal, our plastic surgeons customize the surgery to address your specific needs. The final price of your facelift is a reflection of that customization. A mini facelift may be combined with eyelid surgery, for example, so the specific price of your procedure is quoted at the end of the consultation. Some patients also want nonsurgical skin resurfacing treatments as part of their procedure, which can also increase the cost.

While cost will be a factor in your decision-making process, it shouldn’t be your primary consideration when choosing a facial plastic surgeon. Expertise is essential to achieving the results you want, and our surgeons are widely recognized as being among the best facial plastic surgeons in Arizona. Patients in the Scottsdale, Phoenix, and Mesa areas often choose to travel to Gilbert to benefit from the training, technical skill, and artistry of Dr. Olson and Dr. Marks.

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What Type of Anesthesia Is Used for a Facelift?

Dr. Olson and Dr. Marks perform this outpatient procedure using general anesthesia, so make sure someone is available to drive you home.

How Long Does It Take To Recover From a Facelift?

Facelift recovery depends on the procedure performed, but here’s a general timeline to help you understand what to expect:

Day 1-3

  • Swelling & Bruising: Swelling and bruising will be most pronounced in the first 48 to 72 hours following surgery. Keeping your head elevated and using cold compresses can help minimize these effects.
  • Dressing Changes: Your face will be bandaged, and you may have drains to help reduce swelling. The dressings are typically removed within the first few days, during your follow-up appointment.
  • Medication & Pain Management: Most patients experience mild to moderate discomfort. Your surgeon may prescribe pain medication to manage any discomfort in the first few days.

Day 4-7

  • Bruising & Swelling: While still present, bruising and swelling will start to diminish during this period. You may still look swollen, but it becomes easier to move around comfortably.
  • Scar Management: Incisions should be kept clean, and you may be instructed to apply topical ointments to promote healing and minimize scarring.
  • Returning to Work: If you have a desk job or work in a low-activity environment, you can expect to return to work within 7-10 days, especially if you feel comfortable using makeup to conceal any residual bruising.

Week 2

  • Swelling & Bruising: Swelling and bruising continue to decrease, though you may still have some puffiness around the face.
  • Normal Activities & Makeup: Light activities can be resumed, and many patients feel comfortable returning to work. Makeup can be worn after about 7 days to cover any remaining bruising. You’ll start to look more like yourself by the end of the second week.

Week 3-4

  • Scar Management: Your surgeon will continue to monitor healing, and you may be given instructions on scar treatment techniques, such as silicone gels or sheets, to help scars fade. Scars will continue to improve over the next several months.
  • Exercise & Physical Activity: You can gradually return to more strenuous activities and exercise around 3-4 weeks after surgery, depending on your surgeon’s advice. Start with light activity and slowly build back up to your regular routine.

Weeks 4-6

  • Results: By this stage, most swelling will have resolved, and your face will take on a more natural, refined appearance. Although subtle improvements will continue for several months, you’ll start seeing the final results of your facelift at around 4-6 weeks.
  • Returning to Full Activity: Most patients resume all normal activities, including rigorous exercise, after about 4-6 weeks.

Months 2-3

  • Final Results: The majority of healing should be complete by the 3-month mark. Scars will continue to fade, and results should appear natural and refreshed.

Following your surgeon’s postoperative care instructions will help ensure a smoother recovery and long-lasting, natural-looking results.

  • A Reputation Built on Results

    Dr Olson is a magician! I am beyond happy with the procedures I had done 3 months ago. I still can’t...
    I’m almost 3 months post op from my breast augmentation and lift with Dr. Josh Olson. He did an amazing...
    I had the most incredible experience with Dr. Olson and Advanced Plastic Surgery Institute and feel...
    I had the most incredible experience with Dr. Olson and Advanced Plastic Surgery Institute and feel...

Facelift FAQ

Is your facelift approach different for men and women?

Our approach to facelift surgery is tailored to the unique anatomy and aesthetic goals of men and women. Men generally prefer a more subtle improvement, maintaining the natural contours of their face, while women often seek smoother, more lifted results. We carefully consider factors such as skin thickness, facial structure, and hairline placement to ensure results that look natural and harmonious for each individual.

Is a mini facelift enough?

A mini facelift can be a great option for patients with mild to moderate sagging, particularly in the lower face and jawline. It’s less invasive than a full facelift, with shorter recovery times and smaller incisions. However, if you have significant sagging or skin laxity, especially in the mid-face or neck areas, a full facelift may provide more comprehensive results. During your consultation, we’ll discuss which option best aligns with your needs.

How painful is recovery?

Facelift recovery is generally manageable, with most patients experiencing mild to moderate discomfort in the first few days. You may feel some tightness or soreness, which can be relieved with prescribed pain medication. Swelling and bruising are normal and typically subside within two to three weeks. Most patients feel comfortable returning to light activities after one to two weeks and notice the full results in about six to eight weeks.

Is the procedure safe?

Facelift surgery is considered a safe procedure when performed by a board-certified and experienced surgeon. As with any surgery, there are risks, but serious complications are rare. We take every precaution to minimize risks, and we’ll thoroughly discuss any potential concerns during your consultation.

What’s the best age to get facelift surgery?

There is no “best” age for a facelift. Many people start considering facelift surgery in their 40s to 60s when signs of aging such as sagging skin, deep wrinkles, and jowls become more prominent. However, some patients in their 30s may benefit from a mini facelift or other nonsurgical options. The key is to address aging when it begins to impact your confidence or appearance.

Does a facelift always include a neck lift?

Not always, but many patients choose to combine a facelift with a neck lift for a more balanced, youthful result. A facelift primarily targets the mid and lower face, while a neck lift addresses sagging skin, muscle banding, and excess fat in the neck area. If you’re experiencing sagging in both the face and neck, combining these procedures can provide a smoother and more harmonious appearance.

How much younger do you look on average, following facelift surgery?

While results vary, most patients report looking about 10 to 15 years younger after a facelift. The goal of a facelift isn’t to make you look drastically different but to help you look like a more refreshed and rejuvenated version of yourself. Your results should appear natural, with smoother skin, reduced wrinkles, and a more defined facial contour.
