Category Archives: Skin Rejuvenation

6 Benefits of Renuvion® Skin Tightening

Do you need surgery to treat skin laxity? Not always! Renuvion (J-Plasma®) is an innovative, minimally invasive treatment that firms and tightens the skin. As the first Renuvion provider in Arizona, I recognized early on the many benefits of a Renuvion skin tightening treatment. Here are 6 of my favorites: #1. Versatility One of the …

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Halo® Laser Treatment vs. BBL® (BroadBand Light)

Are you bothered by skin imperfections like wrinkles, sunspots, and other signs of aging? If topical skincare products aren't delivering the desired results, it's time to consider advanced skin rejuvenation treatments. Two popular therapies stand out in the quest for luminous skin: Halo laser skin resurfacing and BBL. But which is right for you? We've …

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